Alpheus was a much older brother of Andrew Jackson Dann, and enlisted for one year in the Union Army, in 1864. The Spaulding letters make anecdotal mention that he enlisted ahead of a draft notice, therby collecting a "bounty" of almost one thousand dollars. A typewritten page of history from Dianne Spencer states that he left Union six weeks after the birth of his daughter Mary Evangeline and travelled north to join Company F of the 12th NY cavalry. The soldiers were loaded into open box cars for the trip south. The history passed down through the family is that he caught cold on the long trip and was returned north. He died of pneumonia in a military hospital in Elmira NY.

Alpheus was 37 years old at the time of his enlistment, was married, and was a successful farmer. He had married Margaret Barker, and had several children, listed below:
Alpheus and Margaret Barker had 5 children as follows; researched by Dotte Hayes:

Anna: b.1852-1853? d. 1876. Married Wesley Barrow.
Ambrose M.: 1854...1875 died of typhoid fever as a young man.
Cassius M.: 1859...1864 died as a child, either in a house fire or from a fall into scalding water.
Clayton A. 1862... 1929
Mary Evangeline 1864...1958 ; married Gilbert D. Scudder and lived in Coopers Plains, NY area.

anecdotes of Alpheus and margaret


Anna Dann Barrow. Click here for more information

Ambrose M.: b. 1854 (Buried at Swamp Cemetery d. 31 Dec 1875 age 21 yrs 4 mos 11 ds)
Ambrose died of typhoid fever. Lynn Dann, a nephew, said that "a doctor told Ambrose to chew tobacco as a cure,
but that he couldn't stomach it, so he died"

Clayton and Edith, in Iowa with their first three boys.
Click here for more information.

Mary Evangeline Dann. click here for more information.

Margaret Dann's last days

This pillowcase is part of a set of bedsheets which was given to Margaret and Alpheus on their wedding in September of 1850. The set is in the possession of Dianne Spencer. It is a precious artifact in its own right, but more significantly, it was produced entirely "on the hill". From the flax seed planted into the ground and then harvested, through the processing into thread and the weaving, It was all done "at home on the farm".


Ambrose and Maryanne Barker.

Margaret Dann's ancestors