Bob and Donna Tilden, August 2011
Jerimiah Van Hoesen and Christina
Vandenberg were the parents of Richard Van Hoesen. His daughter Angeline married "our"
Andrew Jackson Dann.
Garritt Van Hoesen and Lana Van Buskirk were the parents of Rachel Van Hoesen. She married Richard Van Hoesen, above.
and Lana's stones. Lana's is damaged and is laying next to Garritt's stone.
Lana's stone
laid out on the ground. Note that her name is inscribed "LANY" in the dark part of the stone
Garritt VanHoesen and Catherine VanBuskirk were the parents of the Garritt who married Lana.
Lana and Catherine were third cousins once removed; click this link
to see more.
The stones of Garritt
and Catherine.
Garritt VanHoesen and Elizabeth Casperson VanHoesen were the parents of the Garritt who
married Catherine. Garret and Elizabeth were fourth cousins
The stones of Garrit and Elizabeth.
Various geneaolgy sites report them as being in Preble's "Old Presbyterian Cemetery". This may have been true at one time.
The present church building was erected in the 1830s and was the first church in the area. My guess is that people increasingly
settled near today's Preble rather than in the settlement that probably surrounded the church. The church building was
physically moved into Preble in the 1850s.
It may be that the family re-interred Garrit and Elizabeth in Elmwood at some later date. The old cemetery is now derelict.
The Old Presbyterian Cemetery in 2011.
The church building in 2011. State historic markers provide details at both the current and previous sites. The sign in
this picture reads "...Organized as Congregational in 1804. Reorganized as Presbyterian in 1810. Moved to present site
For those who wonder about such things as moving buildings, it was probably accomplished by partially dismantling the structure
and then skidding it accross fields or down roads in the winter on snow. Moving buildings was not infrequent.